After Confession of Apple's Came to See a Clear Decline in iPhone Sales

After Confession of Apple's Came to See a Clear Decline in iPhone Sales
After Confession of Apple's Came to See a Clear Decline in iPhone Sales

After Confession of Apple's Came to See a Clear Decline in iPhone Sales

Apple company apologized from their consumers to slow down the iPhone.

Last week, Apple's company was deliberately confused to slow down its phone and it was said that its phones are slow in performance over time. After the confession of the Apple company, the worldwide consumers were criticized when the demand for sales and sales of Apple's new smartphone came into consideration.

Apple's company apologizes with iPhone users after the reduction in the purchase of iPhone in the market, according to the International Media said, the batteries will be changed in the new phones released in 2018, even when the iPhone cost the operating system will also be updated to the IOS, which will allow users to feel that their phone's battery has become more and more good than ever. In addition, the US Tech Company has announced that consumers will now be able to convert batteries into a lower price, worth $ 29 instead the price of $ 79.

The Apple Company's apology has come after the confession, in which they acknowledged the slow and low charge of the speed of the iPhone 6, 6S, 7 and SEs, which led to the iPhone slowdown and shutdown. .

After the confirmation of iPhone customers, the company had to say that the company did not deliberate to buy new phones by using the old phone and some consumers also called for purchasing Smartphone’s of other companies instead of the iPhone. Apart from this, many consumers and retailers also expressed the idea of ​​the legal lawsuit and cases to Apple, that's why the purchase of new and modern models of iPhone came to see a clear decline.

It is clear that Apple company had admitted that this process was done without intimating the consumers, but the company said it does not mean that its purpose is to force users to take a new phone. The iPhone further added that the lack of iPhone capabilities was made under the security measures if the iPhone does not slow down on time, they may soon be incomplete broken or take off again and again may occur in time to time.
After Confession of Apple's Came to See a Clear Decline in iPhone Sales After Confession of Apple's Came to See a Clear Decline in iPhone Sales Reviewed by Faiza Jabeen on December 29, 2017 Rating: 5

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