Everything You Must Know About Facebook Secret Algorithm Methods-Facebook Tricks

Everything We Know About Facebook Secret Algorithm Methods-Facebook Tricks, Facebook is one of the world's most influential institutions in terms of data collection. But very few people know what happens inside this company and how does it work? Two years ago, Vladimir Joeller of Belgaria, Serbia, and his friends raised a fascinating investigation into Facebook's internal mechanism. Their team includes data exchange and they are trying to get rid of Facebook layers under the project 'Share Lab'. He says: 'If the Facebook was a country, it's population would be more than China. ' Facebook has 300 PB (1 PB = 1000 TB) data of nearly two billion users, and its revenue exceeded $ 28 billion in only 2016. However, Joeller says that despite all these things we do not know how Facebook works, although we are providing all of these data free of charge to the user. 'When we upload something or tag people or comment on a post, we're actually working for Facebook.' Facebook drives us through interactive Facebook algorithms.
Everything You Must Know About Facebook Secret Algorithm Methods-Facebook Tricks

Everything You Must Know About Facebook Secret Algorithm Methods-Facebook Tricks

Facebook is one of the world's most influential institutions in terms of data collection. But very few people know what happens inside this company and how does it work? Two years ago, Vladimir Joeller of Belgaria, Serbia, and his friends raised a fascinating investigation into Facebook's internal mechanism. Their team includes data exchange and they are trying to get rid of Facebook layers under the project 'Share Lab'. He says: 'If the Facebook was a country, it's population would be more than China. ' Facebook has 300 PB (1 PB = 1000 TB) data of nearly two billion users, and its revenue exceeded $ 28 billion in only 2016. However, Joeller says that despite all these things we do not know how Facebook works, although we are providing all of these data free of charge to the user. 'When we upload something or tag people or comment on a post, we're actually working for Facebook.' Facebook drives us through interactive Facebook algorithms. According to Joeller, our behavior shields it into a product format. But it is not easy to find all the fabric. According to Joeller: 'We tried to map all inputs. We created maps and flats chart for links, shares, search, update status, photos, friends. See what we know about our devices used to make, what we allow Facebook to do through apps, such as Wi-Fi connections and audio recordings. These things are just a little bit of the picture, so that the jeweler's team also saw which companies have purchased so far and what the patents say, the results were astonishing. With the help of our data, Facebook collects information about our sexual behavior, political preferences, social status, travel schedules, and many other things. The link we share on Facebook or the things they do is not restricted to Facebook, become a part of a huge algorithm, including instagram, whatsapp, and other sites that are charged use bookmarks. Through this process, Facebook gets information from the accuracy of its customers, for example, whether we like to live, what are our children age or how long it takes to get office from home . Charler's another flow chart tells us that we allow Facebook to read the text message, download files without our permission and know where we are at this time. All these things are used. Says Joeller: 'If you think about cookies, mobile phones, or (images) meta data. Everyone is going to interfere with them. ' It has been said that Facebook has been a consumer privilege. However, Joeller says his long-term discomfort is more concerned. All data is in the same company's fist. If assumed that today the Facebook make us reliable, but what will happen after 20 years? How will the company run then? Experts say that share lab works are worthwhile. Julia Powles, a Coronel Tech doctor, says: "The work that I have seen so far is the most comprehensive. This research shows that we are just giving something to our wishes to keep in touch with our friends. According to Dr. Pauls: 'We did not compare historical companies' history. He says that his power is also 'far higher than the monopoly of East India Company or Standard Oil' and Facebook is benefiting from the psychology of popularity in our people. Paul does not think that after the research lab comes out, people will start leaving a large number of Facebook. However, Joeller's maps are also a fantasy to offer a complete picture of Facebook's power. They say there is no guarantee that apart from them many secret algorithms are not working too. In their view, "it is one of the biggest powers to take place in our world."
Everything You Must Know About Facebook Secret Algorithm Methods-Facebook Tricks Everything You Must Know About Facebook Secret Algorithm Methods-Facebook Tricks Reviewed by Techno Help on November 05, 2017 Rating: 5

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